The average mana value of your main deck is 1. but it depends on your local meta if there are a lot of combo player meddling Jun 16, 2023 · Amulet Titan pairs Amulet of Vigor with Ravnica bounce lands like Simic Growth Chamber in order to set up explosive turns. Nearly each of your cards contributes toward triggering Field of the Dead. You don't die to the first titan hit. While I was doing the sideboard I realized that I don't have any answers to infinite lives and I started looking for something could deal with it. This card gives Amulet Titan players a lot of deck-building options. Probably the single greatest game of Magic I have ever played was piloting Living End against a very good Bloom Titan pilot in a win and in at an SCG tournament. Maybe you have your threat deployed against Azorius Control and don’t want to overextend into Supreme Verdict. So you have 4 slots, and Explore/Stirrings are both pretty good and occupy lower slots on the curve. Don't worry about saving Thoughtseize to land right before Primeval Titan. The video has to be an activity that the person is known for. Feb 7, 2023 · Sideboarding effectively against an expected field means identifying which cards are of utmost importance - and with recent results coming in from tournaments like GP Vegas, it's critical to ensure you know which cards will serve you best as Modern continues to develop. It's no scam - Rakdos is the best deck in Modern. [[Force of Vigor]] is more of an anti-amulet card and is good against a lot of the field since it hits saga and amulets. Card Choices. I'm here to tell you why you should play this deck—and how. 18 with lands and 2. Best way to deal with it via UW Murktide would probably be Alpine Moon for Valakuts or Sagas, and all the creature and enchantment removal you can muster. net Jun 16, 2023 · Primeval Titan is a pillar of the Modern format. The most common lines are gain 7 life and find a Prime Time which buy the deck time against a lot of aggressive decks, but the built in grave hate and noncreature “removal” are both very relevant modes. Amulet Titan is overwhelmingly complex, which makes it very intimidating T1: Forest + amulet T2: amulet -> bounce land (make 4 mana) -> cast dryad-> play 3rd amulet -> play titan. Jul 23, 2018 · –Ghost Quarter against Amulet Titan and Mono-Green Devotion Ineffective: –Field of Ruin against Titan Shift, blue Scapeshift, and Mono-Green Devotion –Tectonic Edge versus everything without Scapeshift in it One of the better ways to combat any linear deck is freerolling hate cards in your maindeck. so they have to play some pieces of interaction. COM store. They also require less-common answers to be sideboarded in against them. Trying out the new cards and building decks is catnip for Gerrys. It's also good against any goyf deck and abzan coco. Most decks in modern can be built on a budget with mana base concessions, while Titan isn’t really possibly to build and play to any success without most all its pieces in some capacity. Blood moon is pretty good against amulet Titan. Amulet Titan is going to frequently kill you before you've milled a single card, while every other top deck is going to easily deal with Tutelage and leave you spinning your wheels. Another card that works play or draw against their Grief starts is Leyline of the Void. Amulet Titan has always been, and will likely be for some time, a very powerful deck. Sep 21, 2023 · Another big mana deck that has a good Yawgmoth matchup is Amulet Titan. Back then I played Green-White Valuetown and faced a guy on Amulet Titan, a deck of whose existence I wasn't aware up to that A celebrity or professional pretending to be amateur usually under disguise. Usually hard to get around unless they already have their basic forests out. If you learn the play patterns of amulet titan, you can name better things more consistently. The general plan for titan is for them to hit with a double striking 8/6. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck on that archetype. Reply reply 84 votes, 28 comments. Cultivator Colossus has been a huge boon for Amulet Titan, providing another huge payoff creature at worst, and a combo kill with Amulet of Vigor at best. Decklists & Written Primers https://www. Out: 1 Lightning Helix 2 Roiling Vortex 1 Searing Blaze. Amulet Titan is also known as Amulet Titan, Deck or Amulet. How many do you have to get rid of? Probably not 4. By Andrea Mengucci | @Mengu09 | Published 7/11/2023 | 7 min read. You'll generally start this line by getting Stronghold plus Garrison to attack with Titan. Between cascading and holding up Mystical Dispute my 3-drops are already overloaded. X=1 is reasonable against Burn and other fast decks. Able to find Amulet of Vigor, Urza’s Saga adds a ton of consistency to a blazing-fast combo deck. Against Control: Cavern of Souls/Tolaria West + karoo Against Control (with good land out): Cavern of Souls + Vesuva (Celestial Colonnade / Azcanta) Against Jund: Boros Garrison + Slayers' Stronghold -> Khalni Garden + Bojuka Bog/Tolaria West Without Amulet: General: Boros Garrison/Simic Growth Chamber + Tolaria West Mar 4, 2020 · Grixis Kroxa is going to line up less well in Game 1 against Amulet Titan because the blue cards are best suited to playing the kind of value game that Amulet Titan easily trumps. I can steal games from titan randomly but it’s never consistent enough to win matches. Jan 22, 2024 · The Goblin token by itself is already a threat, but cycling useless lands/cards and copying creatures make a triad that dominates many games. That player shuffles, then draws a card for each card exiled from their hand this way. Cards like damping sphere are playable but usually only serve to slow the Amulet deck down a couple of turns for them to set up a green source. Vesuva copies Garrison. The reason is that this way you can be very liberal Jan 25, 2024 · Rhinos fares well against Amulet Titan but struggles against Living End and Hardened Scales. Deflecting Palm is personally my favorite side in vs Titan for reasons that should be obvious. The mulligan, sequencing, and combo decisions with Amulet Titan are much easier once you sit down and Jul 11, 2023 · The Best Deck in Modern: Rakdos Scam MTG Deck Guide. Traditionally, Amulet Titan is good at beating up on the midrange The one mana reduction isn't why we play Breach. It's only good if you're getting all three, but that requires a ton of setup. It may not have other functions like the previously mentioned cards, but the quality of its ramp ends up being superior, placing three lands per turn is extremely powerful and, together with the bouncelands and the amulet, it can generate an absurd amount of mana in the first turns. If you cover the main steps to casting Primeval Titan, the power of that card covers up a lot of small mistakes from that point onward. All of the individual land destruction just doesn’t cut it. Jun 16, 2023 · Vivien Combo is also better in the solitaire matchups like against Amulet Titan if you can combo faster than them. It suffers from the midrange aspects of their deck, but I can Jan 2, 2020 · Is this a bad Amulet Titan or Valakut deck? Nope, this is a good Field of the Dead deck, which is a stronger strategy in Modern than trying to be a good Primeval Titan deck. Oct 15, 2019 · To show how wide-reaching it is, of the listed matchups, you would want it against Burn, Jund, Azorius Control, Whirza (but not Urza Outcome), Grixis Death’s Shadow, and Eldrazi Tron, and I can’t imagine the card is anything but great in the Amulet Titan mirror. Your best play is probably just grabbing Lurrus and letting the game keep going with your companion at the ready. 5. Force of vigor is also very good at getting rid of amulets and sagas or tokens. Small, thoughtful adjustments will continue to pay dividends. I started play Amulet Titan after the last B&R and years of playing Titanshift and GW Land (I think is the only deck remain to use Primeval Titan, my favourite card). After sideboarding it’s possible that Aether Gust considerably improves the matchup. Activate only as a sorcery. The various Food decks and Amulet Titan are still the best decks, but there’s also a new player. See full list on mtgdecks. The card is fantastic in Amulet Titan. Mar 20, 2024 · The best sources to learn this deck is certainly "The Bible," a 90-page Google Doc that Domenic Harvey, who Top 8'd ProTour Barcelona with Amulet Titan, wrote and shared for free. Now, the problem is that i know that my first match is going to be VS Amulet and even though i will be on the play i really hate playing against that deck so i wanted to ask for some help about which deck do you think is better against it, considering the other In general, use best judgement with Primeval Titan piles, but this is a starting point for those who have never played the deck. Every time I play it against them they just sit there and almost do nothing. If you cannot play Blood Moon Damping Sphere and Abrade do a good job of slowing the deck down. Use the mana off it, untapping twice to activate Sunhome on Titan, giving you a 10/6 double striker. I'm currently not running any 5-drops, though you can. Elementals is dividing now between the Eladamri's Call version and the Traverse the Ulvenwald version that's using Mishra's Bauble to enable delirium and get there one mana faster. But this last weekend the deck put up an impressive showing with an Amulet Titan mirror in the finals. Buy This Card! Pretty sure that card is just stone unplayable. Gaddock Teeg out of the board stops that play. There are other cards from the set that will filter through to Modern, but I wanted to focus on those that will have a noticeable impact on the decks they’re in, instead of just becoming sideboard options. Hidetsugu, at first glance, can seem good against Titan but in reality, is often far too slow. Jun 23, 2022 · The game against Amulet Titan revolves around Amulet of Vigor, which ironically isn't that dangerous on its own, in addition to Dryad of the Ilysian Grove, Primeval Titan and Cultivator Colossus — all must-answer threats. A high singularity means that the deck is running cards that are less common in that archetype. Jun 16, 2023 · Amulet Titan is one of Modern's most skill-intensive but rewarding decks, and Reid's got the ultimate guide to help you learn it!. I’ve playtested it extensively and lost to it in tournaments, etc. I have absolutely nothing against him playing it, however I don't have anything myself that really gets around it (other then some counter spells and blood moon) I'm curious as to what other cards you guys know that really put a dent in Amulet Bloom? Dec 3, 2021 · Blood Moon isn’t just a great response to Saga; it’s the scariest card for Amulet Titan and has been since the Summer Bloom days. Against Amulet Titan Boil has been a funny "gotcha" card when they lean on dryad. Cards that prevent you from casting or resolving Crashing Footfalls (such as Teferi, Time Raveler; Chalice of the Void; or Drannith Magistrate) can also pose a challenge. Jan 10, 2020 · Unlike most combo decks, Amulet Titan had the ability to morph into a midrange deck that could go toe-to-toe with the interactive decks; in fact, Amulet was heavily favored against them. Both games, I had a decent hand that had the potential to end the game T3 or T4 against some type of interaction. Killing the Amulet & bolting the Azusa hurts them very badly, you don't need to counter the titan. As I started testing for LMS Bologna and MOCS events, I noticed how good of a card Orcish Bowmasters is in Modern. You can also [[field of ruin]] their bounce lands in response to the untap. That being said, Amulet is fast enough to tango with Hammer Time, and big enough to outmuscle the midrange decks. Mar 9, 2021 · The best Summoner’s Pact target against Burn (though worse against Izzet Prowess as their creatures can reliably outsize or fly over it) and an important weapon against Liliana of the Veil and Kroxa, Titan of Death’s Hunger. [[5]] Matchups This is my opinion on matchups, so others may disagree, but this is how I feel after playing the deck for a long time. I play Murktide and have about an 80% win rate against Amulet. That said though, getting to Sundering Titan against them can be very difficult as they usually combo before you have the mana. Tron and Amulet Titan aren't very popular at the moment, but you can play more Moons if this isn't the case in your local paper metagame. m Amulet Titan in 2022 Hi everyone, and welcome to a little Amulet Titan primer! This famous Modern deck that broke out in Pro Tour Fate Reforged in 2015 under the name Amulet Bloom survives today in this powerful and consistent form. You’re assuming they won’t draw Sakura-Tribe Scout with a bounceland, they won’t just draw more lands in their 30-land deck, or that you can somehow handle Amulet Titan is also known as Amulet Titan, Rogue Combo or Legacy - Amulet Titan. It's not impossible to beat but it makes the game so much harder. Amulet Titan Dec 3, 2021 · Since the release of Modern Horizons 2, Amulet Titan seemed to have vanished from the competitive Modern metagame. If necessary, we should delay playing the Amulet from our hand until our Saga triggers, or place high value on an opening hand that contains this card. Apr 19, 2022 · Welcome to my video series covering every deck in the MTG Modern Format. You want at the very least 28 lands, but 29-30 is better. I've only played the deck in two tournaments, one of them I made top 4, the other I got dead last so I think my top 4 was just a fluke. 48 without lands. It's the ability to disregard Blood Moon (a card that otherwise warps our sideboard to fight and still often lose to), OTK with only 1 Amulet (Teetering+Boros, Vesuva-Teetering+Sunhome) instead of needing 2, and present a threat at the EoT of the opponent's turn against control. I want to try and break that wall down. Jun 16, 2023 · Despite Amulet Titan not gaining as much as other decks in this past year, Urza's Saga and Cultivator Colossus added a lot of consistency and power level to this deck, which now doesn't just have to rely on Primeval Titan to win the game, but can simply cast an uncounterable Cultivator Colossus, draw a huge amount of cards and bury any This deck is great against all sorts of non-interactive decks, not just amulet titan, as they tend have hard time removing a shrouded platinum angel, when choked on mana by blood moon, through pact of negation & glorious end (which exiles the stack), even if the bring everything they have in their 75. There's some learning curve when picking up the deck and figuring out the five or so common setups the first time, but that will be mostly absorbed early on. Its powerlevel is high but its consistency (and ease to cast) are both low. It's pretty rare where I've wanted an SSG in my hand over another useful card. Feb 3, 2023 · The cards that seem to have the most promise are The Mycosynth Gardens, Kemba, Kha Enduring and Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler. Urza’s Saga and Dryad of the Ilysian Grove join Amulet of Vigor itself as important targets. Goal is to keep Dryad off the board at all times and to kill the Titan when it comes in. My best advice that helped me do better against Titan with Scales (notoriously good matchup for Titan) is knowing EXACTLY when to use interaction. RB Scam is just the new Rakdos deck that’s annoying for Titan. Going down a card against the deck that wants to play a smaller game isn't so good, and mulliganing to find your leylines plays even more into their gameplan. I think that pillage is better than ashiok bc it can give you immediate advantage, kill amulet, and potentially karn board cards, and pillage is also way better against tron. Amulet Titan is super tight, so what do you cut for Dryad? You don't want to cut Titan, Scout, OUaT, Pact, Amulet, Azusa, 1 explosives, 1 blue pact. Today we're taking a look at Amulet Titan. Discussion on Magic: the Gathering's Modern format plus its decks, cards… Chalice of the Void is mainly for Rhinos, but you can also play it for x=0 against Amulet Titan for Summoner’s Pact. Explore I think the best strategy is continuing to bring in path/palm/smash to smithereens, but don't try to bring anything targeted against amulet titan. Aug 10, 2023 · The difficulty of Amulet Titan has shifted from the back end of finding the best lands with Titan to the start up and figuring out how to get to your sixth mana. Fair decks have a good matchup against scam. Feb 4, 2020 · Amulet Titan consistently rewards skilled players with Top 8 finishes, but Dominic Harvey thinks he's found a way to defeat the Modern Titan! A way to stop highly interactive decks & push through a Titan, especially effective against decks with a high density of free spells. Yeah. Feb 4, 2022 · The only real knock against Amulet Titan right now is that Grixis Death’s Shadow and Izzet Murktide both have access to Dress Down and Unholy Heat, neither of which Amulet players want to see. Overall I’d say if you can play something else play it. Nov 3, 2023 · The Amulet Titan community seems to have already agreed that Spelunking will be a strong addition to an already strong deck. Your only way to mill players out is [[Teferi's Tutelage]]. 1-2 more threats left in the deck to deal woth and they're down to plant and azusa beatdown with Slayer's Stronghold. And even when it can be 2 for 1ed I often slow roll my amulets to get immediate value Mar 2, 2020 · Blood Moon is the premier hate card against Amulet Titan. That means you're trying to cast a 3-drop, then draw ~20 cards to mill out your opponent. I’ve been on amulet for over a year now, tempo is the name of the game if you want to beat amulet. As an amulet player I also hate seeing it. In: 1 Deflecting Palm 3 Smash to Smithereens. It's everything Amulet doesn't want to play against. Amulet Titan is notorious for being a very unfair deck. Mar 19, 2019 · Living End plays 2-4 maindeck Fulminator Mages, and Beast Within, plus have additional hate in the sideboard. The deck can cast Ring as early as Turn 2, as shown in my Tweet, but you can cast it on Turn 3 with just Nov 6, 2023 · The Lost Caverns of Ixalan is the most powerful set to hit Standard since Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty. Nantuko (with amulet + bounce land) says Infinite grazer wall to gum up blockers while I durdle into titan Infinite dryads, durdle into a valakut/titan win Free titan copies as a parallel to the mirrorpool plan, 1 for each bounceland in your deck Aug 15, 2023 · The single best card against Scam is Sanctifier en-Vec, as it’s both graveyard hate and has protection from both of its colors. Search target opponent's graveyard, hand, and library for up to four cards with that name and exile them. Nov 4, 2023 · Tishana's Tidebinder is probably the best card for the tribe. Other points of interaction are Prismatic Ending for Amulet, Teferi bouncing Urza’s Saga, and Boseiju hitting all sorts of things. Hey, my store meta has also a lot of titan and belcher players one of my favourite cards for the sideboard is meddling mage and wear // Tear , it is good naming titan or naming dryad (so valakut can never get online). Amulet of Vigor decks have been strong in Modern for almost a amulet: if you can only die to hasted titan but dont care about non hasted titan (dont have solitude but have sorcery speed interaction), name slayers stronghold or hanweir battlements (err on slayers stronghold if you havent seen the titan combo in g1 yet. Card Details Nov 14, 2023 · Alchemy: Bloomburrow – Card Spoilers, Set Information, Release Date, and More Standard Mono Red Aggro (Red Deck Wins): Deck and Sideboard Guide Bloomburrow (BLB) Limited Over and Underperformers Guide Mar 30, 2023 · Hello, my name is Marcel, and I'm an Amulet Titan enthusiast from Munich. Stony and damping sphere. In light of all this, I’ve been thinking about what changed, when it’s best to play Amulet, and what cards Amulet players should be on the lookout for. It’s a strange, twisted, work of art (also maybe my least favorite deck to play against). TBH, I don't know if the card would be Modern playable if you always got to pick up to three. Jan 10, 2022 · Maybe you’re taking a reactive stance against Izzet Midrange, but they’re hanging out with answers over threats. It also pulls against itself, being a Sorcery that wants to be in a deck running as few Instants and Sorceries as possible. Most Titan lists don't play Veil because it isn't necessary with cavern, but since you don't have cavern I would play some veils in the sb. Amulet Titan is having a revival in Modern of late, so it’s not surprising to see it in A Tier this month. I’ve tried to build a narrative around these cards and what the set is doing well, while highlighting the cards I think will matter in Standard, the fewer that will work in Pioneer and Modern, and the pile that we’ll all be sleeving up for Commander soon. I would immediately be playing all 4 Thoughtseize for combo potential (thoughtseizing yourself) and simply denying them key cards. Feb 13, 2024 · The best card in this matchup is undoubtedly Force of Vigor, so we will have to play around it. Jun 16, 2023 · Modern Amulet Titan is a staple of the format, forcing decks to have an answer to a turn four Primeval Titan or face a swift end. It’s just GDS/Jund whatever same sort of stuff same sort of problems. Against whirza. However, a good amulet player can Combo turn 3, sometimes turn two of cards are right, therefore blood moon turn 3 is sometimes too late. Spelunking operates as a blend of Explore and Amulet of Vigor , which is an interesting and powerful mix for a deck that wants very specific effects. For whatever reason, they also banned preordain and ponder because they give blue too much card selection but they allowed expressive iteration that costs just one more mana and it’s a “draw 1-2 of the best cards from the top 3” and other effects like faithful mending, chart a course, tainted indulgence, and ledger shredder that allow you Its poor when behind on board, but it can copy a Sakura-tribe Elder to ramp, an Amulet to go crazy or a primeval titan to make some really crazy lines (e. You can’t run without 4 amulet, 4 titan, 4 summoner’s pact, and 4 Azusa in old build/ 4 dryad in new one. But an unfortunate side effect to having a best deck is that people will often want to see cards in that deck banned from the format. I always find more important cards to cut. In absence of Cavern of Souls, save counterspells for the big ticket creatures rather than amulet and spelunking, and if you have the opportunity to mess with a bounceland upon entry when they don But the same could be said for just about any deck. Jul 2, 2021 · Modern still has my attention in a very big way. Jul 6, 2023 · At most you want a small number of Smash to Smithereens to hedge against Urza's Saga. All in all, battlements is less clunky to use and is better in the 0-1 amulet scenarios. Chalice of the Void and Engineered Explosives for X=0 can also pose a challenge after sideboard. Jun 18, 2021 · Amulet Titan has been the best deck in Modern at various points and is always hovering near the top unless something even more broken has taken over. Why Amulet Titan? I first encountered this strategy during my Erasmus year in Italy. Nov 2, 2018 · Why Play Amulet Titan? Amulet Titan has not been popular since the banning of Summer Bloom, yet has popped its head up from time to time while being called a Tier 2 deck. Searing Blaze is a solid card for clearing out Arboreal Grazer, but multiple is a liability. play titan with no amulet, get 2 lands, copy titan, get 2 more lands, attack with new titan, get 2 more lands). I personally don't play Path anymore in Burn because I can't use it to kill people, but against Titan it is a very sexy card. If Force of Vigor is a big draw to any green deck thanks to Hammer, its strength against Amulet Titan is a nice bonus. May 1, 2018 · Think Rest in Peace against Dredge (and arguably Storm), Shatterstorm against Affinity, Blood Moon against Amulet Titan, or Leyline of Sanctity against 8-Rack. Every mode is relevant in Amulet Titan which makes this card a fantastic toolbox card. Stony Silence 5 days ago · All Amulet Titan Decks. Amulet than Scapeshift (they run Bolts), but I think it generally is a weak option that might catch the Titan player once or twice, but gets outclassed by a Titan and generally does very little against the deck, as usually Leonin Arbiter comes down a turn earlier and is going to be more disruptive. Amulet Titan has obv been the shit for a while now, but it still has “good” cards in the form of cards like [[Primeval Titan]] or [[Azusa]]. This is especially good if they use titan to search tolaria west and growth chamber to get a second titan, just make sure to vial it in after they use the tolaria west transmute but before the effect resolves. Feb 7, 2023 · I like the Essence Warden faster combo setup against Amulet Titan, but you have too many effective sideboard cards to leave it in. Dress down is also pretty good. I play amulet titan pretty consistently and the matchups I tend to struggle against (with a tippy-top list) are: Burn, chalice control, and enchantress. As an Amulet Titan fan, I’ve struggled for years to fill out the last few flex slots in the deck and find a good threat for games where you don’t have Primeval Titan. However, due to the nature of being a toolbox deck with available combo finishes, the deck is quite hard to master and really rewards pilot proficiency. Prismatic ending is the real problem card for amulet. 2 life and 1 mana to save your titan from any targeted removal, or to protect your amulet if you need a setup turn. Jun 16, 2023 · Attack with Titan, getting Vesuva and Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion. We could now shape our list so it plays out like a complete combo deck that basically does nothing the whole game but waits for its opening and the kill on the spot by producing an absurd amount of mana with several Amulets. Nov 10, 2023 · As with any ramp deck, Amulet Titan needs a certain density of ramp spells to do its thing – but, unlike conventional ramp like Search for Tomorrow or Farseek that powers Titanshift, there are diminishing returns to these additional land drop effects without the lands to pair with them or the Amulet effect to reward you for that. ) It's almost impossible to get any value off tracker in today's meta imo - the decks you'd want to board it in against all have 1-mana removal (or 0 mana Solitude/Fury) for it, best you can get is like 1 clue token most of the time. It is one of the best cards released in recent times and now that the deck has become much fairer, its presence is even more necessary. [[peek]], V-clique, etc. Lantern Control wins with bulk cards that idk if anyone would’ve ever guessed would be good. The deck's generic gameplan is to play an Amulet of Vigor to tu Amulet Titan is the only modern deck I have put together at the moment so I'd like to make sure my sideboarding is correct for the tournament. 131K subscribers in the ModernMagic community. But in recent weeks, the deck has made a triumphant return. Grixis shadow, Tempo, Jund if that's your flavor, any of the million fair breach decks. First of all, the amulet titan matchup is nearly unwinnable. Nevertheless, Temur Rhinos has a consistent and proactive game plan in every matchup, making it an excellent deck choice for newcomers to the format. The card also does wonders in decks like Hammertime, Izzet Grinding Station, Hardened Scales, and good ol’ fashioned Jund. Certain sideboard staple in blue decks in the first weeks of MH3, with the potential to find space in the maindeck as the Metagame changes! You want to be running 3 explore 3 grazer minimum, and my favorite tech against control decks is for the SB is Apostles Blessing. For example, a professional tennis player pretending to be an amateur tennis player or a famous singer smurfing as an unknown singer. Scam’s only real answer is to force you to discard it early or use clunky removal like Engineered Explosives. But it is still a very good card against amulet. It also changes a bit the mulligan as the 2 amulet hands were mostly snap keeps as they didn't need much to net turn 3 kills, and killed on 2 with the right draws. If you're playing fair decks, getting 2 for 2'd and oppo having a 4/3 sucks t1, but you should be running enough interaction that it won't break your back, and a single bolt/push/heat can seriously screw a scam player who put too many eggs in the scam basket Jun 3, 2024 · It also serves as an answer against Evoke triggers and/or other cards of the same style for just one mana, in addition to being a safety valve against Planeswalkers and/or other colorless cards. I've run batterskull and thragtusk before. Amulet is just too good in most matchups. Also if they don’t have either an amulet or saga in play by 3, prelate on 1 is pretty solid. It’s significantly better if you have any way to see what they have in hand like duress et al. against jund/death shadow decks youll want to board out sagas/amulets and board in your grindier cards/utility lands; typically theyll have a bunch of alpine moons post board and disruption for your amulet plans so turning into a grindy ramp deck seems like what most poeple have started doing in those matchups amulet titan has a horrible matchup against the two best and two most popular decks in the meta: grixis death shadow (which, honestly most decks do, its a completely broken deck imo) and UR murktide, that alone is a good reason to not play it if your intention is to do well at grinding/in tourneys. Burn can be really fast on game 1, and on games 2 and 3, you’re basically praying you can hit your radiant fountains and titan by turn 3-4. Spelunking - Redundancy (2x): An extra amulet effect that also acts as an Explore, good into matchups that try to remove amulets. And of course, it's possible to combine and hybridize these strategies in any I played my first match against amulet titan last night and it was simply brutal. Since then, Prowess has performed up to expectations, Amulet Titan has not , Dredge has disappeared, Burn has been eclipsed by Prowess, Company decks have surged, and Jund just "Junds along," as ever. Path to exile can be huge. Jun 29, 2023 · The big mana decks of Modern are all salivating over The One Ring too. Dec 12, 2021 · We also have the aforementioned Azusa, Lost but Seeking that has been in the deck practically since its creation. Posted by u/bdial1208 - 22 votes and 14 comments Humans does well against Titan if and only if they can stick Meddling for Titan. I play the blue green version of Amulet Titan and I almost never cut amulet in any matchup. The games I lose are when Amulet players either (a) have the nuts and t3 me with a caverned titan or (b) play the long game spitting out saga tokens. Sep 4, 2018 · this perceived skill wall in the way of people playing Amulet Titan. Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd has a dozen interactions with our permanents and grows every time we reuse our cards, especially with Unstable Amulet and Ajani Amulet has a naturally good matchup against grindy decks because every Titan is hugely impactful to the board and in most lists can even just go get another Titan to follow up with. But Surgical does nothing in those matchups, since you don't want to take anything specific from the graveyard, but it can be a key card against combo decks. Amulet Titan. Feb 14, 2024 · {2}, {T}, Exile The Stone Brain: Choose a card name. It's for the builds of Titan that run [[dryad of the ilysian grove]]. The median mana value of your main deck is 0 with lands and 2 without lands. Yawgmoth doesn’t play many ways to kill big creatures, so if a Primeval Titan resolves, it’s usually game over. This safety extends to Game 1s. Most of your one-drops function best on the first turn so it’s worth the tradeoff for both players to be locked out of casting them. There don’t Oct 26, 2023 · In terms of matchups, Rhinos fares well against Rakdos Evoke, Yawgmoth, and Amulet Titan but struggles against Living End and Hardened Scales. Displaying decks 1 - 50 of 6557 in total Date Deck Author Event Place MTGO Price Tabletop Price; 2024-08-21: Card ×. Your [[Sundering Titan]] can name any of their lands as one of the basic types, so you really get to nerf their best stuff. It’s just hard to get things quite as wrong. I also got wrecked by an aristocrats deck in my last league and the matchup felt awful even with 3 [[Roiling Vortex]] in the side. Feb 18, 2020 · The initial assumption, based primarily on MTGO data, was that Amulet Titan, Mono-Red Prowess, Dredge, Jund, and Burn were the top dogs. The best hosers are effective against a wide variety of decks, but against some decks, they just win the game. Amulet Titan is a fairly resilient, land based combo deck that relies on the titular [[Primeval Titan]] and [[Amulet of Vigor]]. Unfortunately for Urza’s Saga but all of those decks are fringe picks right now. Dryad of the Ilysian Grove has four toughness, and Titan as a deck is usually a turn or two faster at setting up a combo kill, especially with so few roadblocks. Jun 14, 2024 · Unstable Amulet is a recurring source of card advantage and damage in Boros Energy, and one of the main targets of Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd, in addition to interacting with Amped Raptor. Having a plan for turn four Primeval Titan is one of the basic tests that every competitive Modern deck needs to pass. [[An offer you can't refuse]] At opponent endstep, with 7 mana + angels grace or 6 mana + unlife, cast ad naus, draw deck, cast [[pact of the titan]] or [[intervention pact]], hold priority, pact of negation your pact, hold, offer the negation, get 2 treasure, then offer the original pact, get three treasure, [[scout's warning]] (leave a card in the deck) and Oracle, or otherwise good old I think it's fine - better vs. Skullcrack is always an option but you have to play that reactively, something you don't want to have to do. g. With an Amulet, Titan and Dryad. The lack of a solid Wasteland effect in Modern means interactive decks can’t cleanly answer Field of the Dead , and they’ll struggle even more if they try Timeless Amulet is also known as deck, timeless amulet or Amulet Titan. Nov 22, 2022 · Both have a similar use: dealing with graveyards. Amulet Titan has prided itself on having game against everything, but a lot of that game was tied up in sideboard options. My current flex cards are spell pierce, tireless tracker, and walking ballista. Amulet can only bring in temporary yard hate like Endurance or Relic (which only buys a turn at best really, but can be the turn you need to Titan combo) and Dismember for Yawg (which is only ok since Yawg will be able to draw at least a few cards as soon as it hits). Killing with two amulets is harder when you are almost entirely relying on valakut to do the job. The rest of this is just shaving excessive and slower cards for interaction in combo matchups. Alpine moon is a lot like [[pithing needle]] against amulet titan, you just have to know what to name depending on the board state. (*) Prices based in average price in TCGPLAYER. Ashiok, Dream Render is brutal against amulet. I cut amulets usually last. A month later and I still haven’t figured out all the things I want to. Titan Field is a value-oriented version which can come in any combination of colors and seeks to quickly start triggering Field of the Dead. The Deck Nov 24, 2023 · We see recent Rhinos lists turning towards higher numbers of Subtlety, and I wouldn't be shocked to see other decks moving in the same direction to beat both Scam and an uptick in Amulet Titan. Dec 17, 2021 · Amulet Titan. Urza’s Saga is what Amulet Titan needs to reclaim its throne; it finds Amulet of Vigor to power your best draws, pumps out threats to power through disruption, and does a good impression of Jun 24, 2022 · The best Boseiju deck is Amulet Titan because they can both tutor for it easily and bounce it later but Scales also plays the powerhouse card Ancient Stirrings, which means you can almost “soft tutor” your uncounterable answer! I have since the printing of Boseiju now moved to playing 2. Subtelty might legitamately be the best card in the format against Titan after Blood Moon. Is a card only for Amulet Titan better than a card only for Domain Zoo or a new deck entirely? I think Alpine Moon is not good enough to bring in against Amulet Titan. You can just path the titan, because without Amulet the titan doesn't do anything important that turn. Oct 27, 2021 · 1 Blood Moon - The stock lists play three, but I haven't been impressed outside of the Amulet Titan and Tron matchup. I don't understand how people are stupid enough to think Amulet is favoured in this matchup it's actually laughable. add in the fact that decks like rhinos maindeck bloodmoon now and there are a ton of solitude Mar 30, 2023 · is the latest addition to the deck from Phyrexia: All Will Be One. Jun 5, 2024 · The power level of these cards is so high, I’m sure a favorite or two will inevitably get left off this list, but I think we’ve got everything that’s gonna make waves. The Amulet deck lists are all pretty similar between them and the biggest difference is among the flex slots of Explore; Azusa, Lost but Seeking and Elementals best card against you is Solitude since it deals with Titan and Dryad. I am not a titan player, so perhaps someone with more experience with the deck will explain how it could fit in there, but as a sideboard card in general I don't love leylines at the moment. While I agree there are some cards inevitably need to go, I believe most people jump to these ban conclusions too quickly. It's also obviously good against tron, which is probably a good matchup for mono U (I play UW affinity which is basically a midrange deck, which has an abysmal tron matchup), so the damping sphere is mostly for storm and titan in particular, which are pretty bad matchups. Its ability allows you to respond to Fury, one of the most problematic cards for go-wide strategies in the format, in addition to working against other important staples today, such as The One Ring, Orcish Bowmasters, Yawgmoth, Thran Physician, Primeval Titan, among others. Note that Spelunking stops the typical 2x amulet kill. This usually means landing a second Meddling also, though, or the first one dies to EE. Very notable inclusions in Amulet Titan are Engineered Explosives and Walking Ballista, and yes Tolaria West is a good name and usually a pretty good name if you can answer one Titan. Honestly against Amulet, once you surgical titan the rest of the deck is rather anemic. This deck's total mana value is 72. May 21, 2019 · This is not to say the idea of metagaming with your Amulet Titan deck is obsolete. Feb 14, 2020 · Out of the rubble, we’ve seen various builds of Amulet Titan emerge as the decks to beat. And rankings are weird when cards are this powerful in a format like Modern. Tireless Tracker is also a solid sb card vs control as a cheaper threat that demands an answer before you get to titan mana. Abrade kills Azusa, Scout, Coalition Relic and Amulet. Read more on Amulet Titan here. Some versions also run Unholy Heat or Counterspell, although you can get around the latter with Cavern of Souls. Hearse is one of the best post-side cards against UR Murktide, weakening Dragon’s Rage Channeler and delaying Murktide. Murktide is pretty bad against go wide strategies. First 2 azusas, 27th land, 4x tribe scouts or 3x exsplores. You can win without drawing or resolving Primeval Titan and that counts for a lot. Path and [[winds of abandon]] as well as budget alternatives like [[journey to nowhere]] answers this easily. In Hello everyone, at my lgs we had a Modern league going from September until the end of December and in January we will play the Top 8. All the best amulet grinders are regularly going 4-3 5-2 in challenges never really hitting much When I was on Ponza [[Obsidian Charmaw]] made both decks an automatic bye. This line creates so much mana that you can then search out 3 more titans and give 3 out of 4 titans haste. Well, my opponent combo'd off T2 both games dropping T1 amulet into T2 amulet into an Azusa, two titans and the hasty land. The goal is to accelerate into casting Prime Time then win with either combat damage or [[Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle]] triggers. How many Titans are in the deck? 4. Although many flavors of Primeval Titan decks have come and gone, Amulet Titan is the one that's held the strongest. Key Cards Updated Time Stamps:0:00 Intro2:42 Round 1 VS Izzet Murktide25:59 Round 2 VS Yawgmoth1:16:26 Round 3 VS 4c Creativity1:38:02 Round 4 VS Izzet MurktideDecklist: https At our LGS we have a modern FNM and one guy uses Amulet Bloom. The matchup is so hard to win that you net more overall percentage points by focusing on SB cards for other matchups and just abandoning titan. irybnlh emyi niuq ebfhj rezzsqm tsdxg vgu zuwthi xoep rahhru